Black Sea Stakeholder Conference 2024, Chișinău, Moldova 11-12 September

IMSP AMT Botanica, în persoana dnei Director Marina Golovaci, a avut onoarea să fie invitată și să participle la Conferința internațională a părților interesate din statele-membre a Bazinului Mării Negre, găzduită anul acesta în Chișinău, Republica Moldova în perioada 11-12 septembrie.

Este o oportunitate suplimentară de a stabili parteneriate, sarcini și tangențe economico-ecologice noi pentru activitatea instituțională, alături de alte state ale Bazinului Mării Negre.

/The Common Maritime Agenda will repeat last year’s success, by organising the Black Sea Common Maritime Agenda Stakeholder Conference in 2024! The event will be held in-person, in Chișinău, Moldova, on 11 September 2024, under the auspices of the Moldovan Coordinator. 

The Common Maritime Agenda (CMA) for the Black Sea is a sea basin initiative to enhance regional cooperation for achieving a sustainable Blue Economy in the Black Sea. It is developed in the broader framework of the Black Sea Synergy.

The Common Maritime Agenda (CMA) for the Black Sea is a partnership between seven countries – the Republic of Bulgaria, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Türkiye and Ukraine.

Participating countries, supported by the BSAM and the National Hubs, are called to use the CMA as a tool for working on joint sustainable blue economy projects, including bankable investment projects, in line with the goals, priorities and actions of the Agenda./